I don't know about you but I have been on the hunt for the perfect black sneakers. I really love sneakers by Adidas and Nike but I just can't justify spending $150 on them right now. After weeks of looking with nothing to show for it, I decided to take a break. While I was at Target the other day, I ...
2018: New Year, New Goals, New Accomplishments
Happy New Year everyone! I know that I posted this a little late in the day and I do apologize for that! Today, I wanted to reflect on 2017 as a whole, in addition to, talking about some of the exciting things that I have in store for this year. I believe that in order to better ourselves and our ...
December Thrift Finds
So this past month, I was lucky enough to have not 1 but 2 amazing thrift hauls! These items were purchased at 2 different Thrifty Shopper stores: the New Hartford location and the East Syracuse location. Every month, I typically make at least 1 to 2 trips per month to nearby cities to broaden my ...
Baking Christmas Cookies 2017
So it's my favorite time of year and what else is a girl to do then make fun Christmas cookies! Last year, I shared with you guys my favorite sugar cookie recipe which you can find HERE. This, year we decided to add some gingerbread cookies to the mix, as well as, new cookie cutter designs. Today, I ...
The Perfect Holiday Sweater from JcPenney and Poshmark Update
Christmas is almost here and I am on the hunt for the perfect holiday sweater. This past Friday, I stopped into JcPenney with my $10 off coupon in hopes of finding it. (Note: I strongly recommend not going to the mall a week before Christmas because it is pure craziness.) Luckily, after spending ...