Inspiration: Express Yesterday, I was scrolling through the Express website when I instantly fell in love with this look (featured left). Personally, I would have never thought to pair a leather jacket with a polka dot dress. So me being me, I decided to give it a shot; I have nothing to lose, ...
My Makeup Brush Set
When applying my makeup in the morning, I like to keep my routine as simple and efficient as possible. Most days, I am busy working hard from the moment I wake up until I eventually go to bed at night. Unless I am taking photos or leaving the house for whatever reason, my makeup is always minimal. ...
Pearl Embellished Denim
Recently, I've been big into pearl embellished denim. I love that they can help to elevate a look! When I was in JcPenney a few weeks, I spotted a TON of pearl embellished jeans in the front of the women's section. When I saw them, I knew that I needed to at least try them on... Well, what do you ...
Updating Your Poshmark Closet to Maximize Sales
Have you ever felt like you needed to change things up a bit? Well, I most definitely have! This past week, I was really frustrated that my Poshmark sales were not what I wanted them to be. (I know that this is the "slow" season but still). So instead of sitting and complaining about it, I decided ...
5 Books Every Girl Boss Should Read
Happy Monday! This past year, I have been working really hard to educate myself on this business. Specifically, I have been reading books on fashion, marketing, and business. Coming from a background in psychology and biology, I have taught myself everything that I know about running a blog and ...