Recently, I found a Michael Kors bag at my local Goodwill store that required some TLC. The bag itself was in great condition except for the clear, plastic on both the front and back of the bag; At first glance, it appeared that its’ previous owner had never cleaned it. I really wanted to get the bag since comps were good but I wasn’t sure exactly how to clean it. So I decided to buy the bag and try out some different household items on it to see what worked and what didn’t. Today, I wanted to share with you how I was able to successfully restore this bag to its’ original state.

Items I Used to Clean the Bag:
Lens Cleaner
Microfiber Towel
Makeup Wipes
Nail Polish Remover and Cotton Balls
Warm Water
First, I wiped the entire bag (inside and outside) with a towel soaked in warm water. I wanted to gauge how dirty the bag was and how deeply the residue was caked onto the the bag. After wiping of the bag, I realized that the residue was a lot more caked on than I initially thought.
Next, I sprayed the entire bag with lens cleaner multiple times and wiped the bag after each cleaning. This did remove a lot of the residue but not all of it.
I, then, decided to wipe the entire bag with makeup wipes as I noticed that there were some makeup stains on the bag. This removed most of the makeup stains but the bag still had some residue on it.
Finally, I decided to soak some cotton balls in nail polish remover to see if that would remove the remaining residue. After wiping the bag with the nail polish remover multiple times, most of the residue had been removed and the transparency of the bag had been restored. Although the bag still has some minor residue on it, it is much better than it was prior to cleaning it.
Front of Bag After Cleaning:

Back of Bag After Cleaning:

I hope that you find this post helpful! If you have any questions or just want to chat, please reach out!
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