Originally, I had addressed this topic on my Instagram account a few days ago. It received an overwhelming response from other resellers so I decided hat I would further expand on it in today’s blog post. Within the reselling world, there are so many resellers that talk endlessly about how you “need” to find BOLO (be on the lookout for) brands and higher end pieces in order to succeed as a reseller. And that is just not true…
I have been a reseller for over 8 years now. Within those 8 years, I have been a hobby reseller, part-time reseller, and full-time reseller; I have lived in a rural area with minimal inventory selection and have also lived in a major city with an overwhelming amount of inventory selection; I have had a ton of storage space and have also had little to no storage space. You name it, I have probably lived it. And I can tell you from experience, that you can be a successful reseller regardless of your circumstances. The secret is to focus on the items that you do have available to you and build your business model around that.
And How Exactly Do I Do That?
Before I moved to Florida, I used to live in a rural area in New York. Within that area, I only had 5 small thrift stores to source from. At that time, I was an active part of the reselling community on Instagram and was constantly seeing other resellers promoting BOLO brands to look for while sourcing. Don’t get me wrong, as a reseller, you should be familiarizing yourself with different brands that are out there in case you do ever stumble upon them. However, you should not create this mindset that you need to find these brands in order to succeed.
Instead of focusing on the brands that I might find every once in a while, I, instead, decided to focus on what was available to me in my area. Every time that I would go to the thrift store, I would write down a list on my phone of the brands that I was most commonly finding. When I would get home, I hop onto Poshmark and run comps. I would see what items were selling for $25 or more and write down a list of those items so that when I look for them when I went out sourcing again. I created an entire business model around this method of sourcing and it worked out well for me.
Once I moved to Florida last September, my circumstances changed. Although I now had many more places to source for inventory, I still continued to use the same principles. It’s funny because I do find a lot more of those “BOLO brands” now when I go out sourcing but some of my better sales come from mall-brands like H&M, Ann Taylor, and Express.
I would encourage you to continue to learn about the many brands that are out there but know that you don’t need to find those exact items to succeed as a reseller. Focus on what is available to you and you can build a successful business model around them.
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