Many fashionistas dream of owning the ultimate status symbol- an item from Louis Vuitton. In my opinion, Louis Vuitton and Chanel are two brands that will remain forever timeless due to their durable construction and styles. Unfortunately, these beautiful luxury brands come at pretty hefty price tag; We’re talking $1000+ per item. As many people cannot afford to spend that much on a luxury item or just don’t want to, many of us turn to the world of resale to make our luxury dreams come true. Personally, I have bought 2 authentic Louis Vuitton items through Poshmark over the past few years. Before making these purchases, I did a LOT of research and asked a LOT of questions to make sure that the items that I was purchasing was the real deal. Today, I want to share a few things to consider before purchasing a used Louis Vuitton item online.

Research Your Styles and Serial Numbers
Before purchasing any used Louis Vuitton items online, be sure to thoroughly research the style that you are planning on purchasing. I would suggest visiting the Louis Vuitton website directly and studying the pattern arrangement and stitching of the item. There are SO many fakes and replicas of these bags in circulation and the last thing that you want to do is purchase a knock-off. Really pay attention to the stitching, construction, and hardware on bags you see online as they help you to distinguish authentic ones from non-authentic ones. Also, ask for the serial number on the bag and research it. There are certain letter combinations used by Louis Vuitton that may be missing from a replica bag.
Ask for Authentication Paperwork from the Buyer or Buy from Sites That Offer Free Authentication
When I bought my first Louis Vuitton bag on Poshmark a few years ago, I did not ask for any authentication paperwork from the seller, mainly because the seller didn’t have any to provide to me. Although I did not have any paperwork for the bag, I did ask a lot of questions on the history of the bag beforehand. And lucky for me, the bag was authentic. The second time around, I bought from a seller who happened to post a copy of her receipt from the Louis Vuitton store on her Poshmark listing for the item. And again, I asked a lot of questions about the item I was purchasing beforehand to ensure that the item was indeed authentic. After purchasing the item, I asked her to send me a copy of the receipt with my order in case I decided to sell the item in the future. If you are planning on buying from a platform like Poshmark or Ebay, I would suggest asking a LOT of questions and asking if the seller has any receipts/authentication paperwork beforehand. Also, many sites such as Poshmark and TheRealReal offer free authentication to ensure that your item is authentic.

Beware of Replicas
I would say that Louis Vuitton is the most heavily replicated luxury brand out there. Why?? Because they are never discounted (unless you buy the secondhand) and they are highly coveted by many. With that being said, these bags are highly replicated. And if that wasn’t enough, there are varying grades of replication; some of the best replications are spitting images of the real thing with maybe a minor flaw that would be unnoticeable to an untrained eye. Please be a diligent consumer and be wary of these bags. There are some sellers out there who will try to convince buyers that these fake bags are authentic and aren’t caught until it is too late. Be wary of sellers who don’t answer questions regarding authentication, offer offline transactions, and only show stock photos of the item. If anything doesn’t seem right to you, then steer clear away from it.
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Be Classy, Be Confident, Be Strong
Bianca Ida
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