It’s no secret that I love luxury designer goods and it is also no secret that I love finding designer goods for a discounted price. This year, I decided that I wanted to splurge on two big ticket items: (1) a Louis Vuitton wallet and (2) a Louis Vuitton handbag. So far, I’ve found one of the two and I am extremely happy with my purchase. As you know, I don’t like paying full price for items if I don’t have to, especially luxury goods. So I searched a few different resale sites and found a few reasonably priced ones on TheRealReal.

After much searching, I purchased this black Louis Vuitton Veau Cachemire Zippy Wallet. This wallet was 70% off its’ original retail price which I was happy about. When it was delivered to my house, I was so excited! It came in it’s original box and included all of the original cards/booklets with it. This may sound weird but this wallet smells amazing! Fun Fact: I love the smell of leather and this wallet has the unique smell that comes with all Louis Vuitton goods. When you open it up, it has a coin pouch in the middle and 12 card slots.

Overall, I am extremely happy with my purchase and I would recommend shopping TheRealReal for pre-loved luxury goods.

If you don’t already, be sure to check out my Instagram for more Reselling Tips at @ RecycledRosesGuide (Click HERE)
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Bianca Ida
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