Over the past few weeks, I have had the most hectic schedule (which is partly why I haven’t been adding new blog or social media posts). Eric and I have been working on multiple house projects, catching up on various business tasks in preparation for tax season, and planning a 10-day trip to Europe. It’s safe to say that we have had a LOT on our plates and as time went on, it was becoming more and more apparent what we were needing a break.
When it comes to my reselling business, I am constantly in “go mode”; If it were up to me, I would work on my reselling business all day if I could. Although this constant hustle allows me to accomplish a lot of work, it can be draining on both my mental and physical health. After weeks of constantly being on the go, I had finally reached my breaking point and was in desperate need of some time off. So I put all of my reselling accounts in vacation mode and headed of to Europe for a 10-day adventure.

While on our trip, I did not go on Instagram and scroll through reselling accounts nor watch any YouTube videos related to reselling; I did not open a single reselling platform or work on any drafts for my business. Instead, I chose to be present in the moment, enjoy my trip, and shut off the reselling portion of my brain. And let me tell you, it was the BEST thing that I could do for myself.
By the time we arrived back home, I had such a renewed sense of purpose and joy towards reselling that I haven’t had in months. Unfortunately, when you have been reselling for over 10+ years, it becomes a lot harder to become motivated sometimes. This is especially true when you get stuck running in autopilot and are unable to turn it off. Not focusing all of my time and energy on reselling has really helped me to get out of my reselling rut. I gave myself the necessary space to breathe and reset (something that I should have done months ago.) Now, I feel refreshed and ready to share some helpful and meaningful content with you in the coming weeks. If you ever feel burnt-out in your reselling journey, please don’t be afraid to take a break (however much amount of time that you need).
In addition to being motivated, having all of my reselling accounts disabled for 10 days has resulted in a TON of sales. I turned off vacation mode on all of my accounts the day that we were flying back home and I ended making a few sales on the airplane. Ever since then, my sales have been steady with consistent sales daily. I’ve heard a few people on social media say that their Poshmark sales have been really slow so I’m not sure if putting my closet in vacation mode impacted the algorithm positively or if I am just having a little luck right now but I’ll take it.
Now that we are back from our trip, I plan on listing my items to eBay. I made an account months ago but was waiting until after our trip to list my items. I’ve never sold any items on eBay before so this is going to be a learning curve for me. My plan is to share my eBay journey with you from a newbie perspective in hopes that it will help others who are thinking about giving eBay a try as well. And if you have any insight to share, please reach out as I would love to hear from you.
I hope that you find this post helpful! If you have any questions or just want to chat, please reach out!
If you don’t already, be sure to check out my Instagram for more Reselling Tips at @ RecycledRosesGuide (Click HERE) and my Facebook page HERE.
You can instantly shop all of my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app HERE.
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