Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that your day is full of good conversation, great company and most importantly, amazing food! Every year, I look forward to spending time with my family and stuffing my face with turkey and pie! Although I love the novelty surrounding Thanksgiving, it is the whole “giving thanks” thing that I love that much more.
So for today’s post, I want to talk about giving thanks, coffee, and comfy sweaters. You know, the important things in life… On a serious note, this year was a whirlwind year for me to say the least. Back in January, I decided to start this fashion blog because a little voice in my head told me to. Although I thought that I was a little crazy, I trusted my gut and took the plunge anyway. Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful that I made that decision.
Starting this blog was one of the best decisions that I have ever made and I am so happy that I did. Over the past year, I have been given opportunities that I could have only dreamed of. In addition, I have had the opportunity to converse and befriend people from all over the world. Blogging has given me so many blessings and for that I am very thankful. So with that, I would like to take this moment to say ‘thank you’ to everyone for the continued love and support that I receive. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
Now, I would like to take a moment and talk about my other loves: coffee and sweaters. First, let’s talk about coffee. So I’m pretty sure that I have loved the stuff since I was a small child. I guess that is what happens when you are raised in an Italian family… It follows me everywhere that I go and accompanies me when I need a late-night-pick-me-up while blogging. Although I am far from my college count of 7 cups a day (now it’s only two), without it I would be a zombie roaming the Earth. Okay, so maybe that’s not entirely true but you get the point.
In addition to my love of coffee, this time of year showcases my collection of warm and comfy sweaters. Living in New York, winter is here 6 to 9 months of the year. And no, I’m not kidding… In order to stay warm during these cold and gloomy months, why not invest in some fun winter sweaters? Right now, I’m loving this fun striped sweater from Tobi. It is SOOO warm and toasty!! Honestly, I would wear it every single day if I could, no joke! Just because it is gloomy outside doesn’t mean that your wardrobe has to be gloomy too! Remember to keep your wardrobe fresh and the winter months will fly by!
Outfit Details: Sweater: Tobi c/o (Exact) Tee: Madewell (Exact– 25% OFF); Jeans: Belle + Sky (Exact– ON SALE); Shoes: Rebecca Minkoff
Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!
Be Classy, Be Confident, Be Strong
Bianca Ida
Very pretty!