Have you ever thought about buying Louis Vuitton handbags on Poshmark? Well, you are definitely not alone. Personally, I am always super hesitant when it comes to buying luxury designer items online. My biggest fear is that I will accidentally buy a counterfeit or replica item that someone portrayed as being authentic. As a reseller for many years, I have studied various designer handbags and know how to authenticate them properly. (If you are a reseller or someone who likes luxury items, I strongly recommend learning how to properly authenticate these bags.) As a result, I can usually tell pretty quickly whether or not a Louis Vuitton bag is authentic or not. Today, I want to share with you how I bought this Louis Vuitton bag from Poshmark and how I was able to authenticate it through the app.
How I Found This Bag
I love thrifting items because every piece has a story behind it. Everyone always asks me how I finds items and how much I pay for them. I’m assuming that you are probably wondering as well and I will gladly share these details with you. Okay, so let me start by saying that this was not a planned purchase. I searched “Louis Vuitton bags,” limited my price point to $300, and browsed through the results. As I looked through the results, I saw a Louis Vuitton duffel bag that stood out to me. I opened the listing and gathered that the bag was purchased at an estate sale. The seller wasn’t sure of its’ authenticity but was told by the previous owner that it was authentic. The buyer listed this bag for $225.
Since the seller wasn’t sure of its’ authenticity, I knew that I was going to have to do a little research to determine its’ authenticity and age. After asking a LOT of questions about the bag and a LOT of research, I discovered that the bag was indeed authentic and dated back to the 1970’s-1980’s. I learned that this bag is actually a vintage Louis Vuitton French Company piece. These pieces are unique in that they were produced and sold in the US by the French Luggage company under a special license from Louis Vuitton. They were sold in both Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue stores. How cool is that?
Authenticating This Bag Online
I bet that you are probably thinking, that’s so cool, but how I did you really know that it was authentic? Good question- and I want to provide you with some things to look for when buying Louis Vuitton handbags on Poshmark:
1. Look at the Stitching
^^Even though this bag is vintage, the stitching is still perfectly intact, even, and uniform.
2. Look at the Detailing
^^ I know that the metal is tarnishing around the metal Louis Vuitton piece, but it is the original. All of the metal is still in very good condition and is sturdy. I actually had to replace 2 of the metal pieces but they were any easy fix that cost under $10.
3. Look at the Seams
^^Notice how the seam NEVER cuts off the LV logo. An authentic Louis Vuitton bag will never cut off the LV logo and you will also notice that what is cut off is uniform down the entire bag.
4. Look at the Fabric
^^ This is the bottom of the bag. You will notice that an authentic LV bag consists of one piece of fabric wrapped around both the front and back of the bag. As a result, the front part of a bag will have the LV logo upright and the back of the bag will have the LV logo upside down.
I hope that you found this post helpful when buying Louis Vuitton handbags on Poshmark!
(Also, HERE is its’ first appearance on the blog!)