Many new resellers like to ask me this question, “Which is more important: brand or style?” And the answer isn’t as clearcut as some of us think that it should be. These two elements each have their own role in sourcing for items; think of it as these two work together in making sales. Let me explain…
First, Let’s Talk About Brand
An item’s brand is 50% of the reselling equation. Why? Brand is important when selling items to 2 different customer groups: (1) customers that are loyal to their brands and (2) customers who are looking to buy quality goods. Customers who are loyal to their brands will stay loyal to their brands regardless of all other factors. Most of the time, they will look up their specific brands on Poshmark and not deviate from that. The other group of customers that will value an item’s brand are those who are looking for quality goods. Usually these customers know which brands are “quality” and they will search around for those items. However, remember that just because an item is from a “good brand” does not mean that it is going to sell…
Which Then Leads Us to the Importance of Style
An item’s style is just as important (if not more important) than the brand. Sure, the brand is important to certain customers but the style is what is going to really secure the sale of your item. Place yourself in your customer’s shoes…if you were shopping, what would you buy? What items would you be on the hunt for? Are you shopping for the latest trends? If so, then those are the items that you should be buying for your customers. For customers that are focused on style, brand doesn’t matter nearly as much because all the customer cares about is getting the look. If you have some extra time, either take a stroll through the mall or visit an online website to see what the latest fast-fashion trends are.
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Bianca Ida
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