Many of you know that I love finding designer goods at a bargain price. Over the years, I have found many designer goods while thrifting including Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Valentino, and Chanel, just to name a few. I have not, however, found an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag. (I thought I found an ...
Poshmark, The Coronavirus, and How to Keep Your Business Afloat
Today is Day # 3 of complete shutdown and it has not been easy to say the least. Many schools, businesses, and buildings have shut down and I have not had the ability to step into a thrift store for about a week now (which is really hard for me btw). I've gotten really creative with finding ways to ...
A Sneak Peek into My Thrift Trips
Many people reach out and ask me where I thrift, how much I pay for goods, and what a "thrift haul" normally consists of. Today, I wanted to share with you some of that information. To make a long story short, I shop mainly at Salvation Army and Thrifty Shopper stores and occasionally, I stop at ...
Brand vs Style: Which is More Important?
Many new resellers like to ask me this question, "Which is more important: brand or style?" And the answer isn't as clearcut as some of us think that it should be. These two elements each have their own role in sourcing for items; think of it as these two work together in making sales. Let me ...
February 2020: Mini Salvation Army Haul
This past week, I got back into thrifting. A few weeks ago, I ordered a massive order from B&G Trading and I just finished getting through it. Since that death pile is out of the way, I can now get back into the thrifting grind. For today's post, I want to share with you some items that I found ...