As many of you know, 6 months ago my Instagram account was disabled shortly after being accepted as an influencer on the LiketoKnow.it app. [If you would like to learn more about what happened, check out THIS post and if you would like to learn more about being a LTK.it influencer, check out THIS post.] This is extremely problematic as many of the influencers who are accepted into this program, including myself, are accepted based on their social media presence. Getting accepted into this program is not easy, so when I lost my entire Instagram following (~17,000 followers), you can only imagine how scared I was over losing my influencer status within the app. Luckily, I was able to meet my goals within a few short months and keep my influencer status. I know that many of you are in this same situation and I thought that it would helpful for me to share how I grew within the app without using Instagram.
Utilize Other Social Media Channels
As we all know, Instagram is not the only social media channel out there. If you don’t already, I would encourage you to have a social media presence that expands beyond Instagram. Over the years, I have created a presence on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and through the web via this blog. I purposefully created a presence for myself across multiple platforms just in case one platform ever disappeared… And I am so grateful that I did!
In order to grow my LiketoKnow.it following without Instagram, I had to utilize every other platform that I had. The platforms that I utilized the most are my blog, Pinterest, and Facebook. On my blog, I added LTK.it image bars to the sidebar and footer. I did this so that anyone who visited my blog would be able to get an idea of what kind of content they would find on my LiketoKnow.it page if they were to check it out.
Next, I utilized my Pinterest account. In my opinion, this is what drew many people into my LiketoKnow.it account. Whenever I would post a new LiketoKnow.it image, I would be sure to add it to my Pinterest boards as well. Pinterest is an image-driven platform so pictures from your LiketoKnow.it account will typically do quite well on there. I have had many posts from my LiketoKnow.it do very well on Pinterest, which then resulted in an increase in my sales within the app. It is super easy to do as everything that you need to share your post to Pinterest can be found within the LTK.it app.
Finally, I created a Facebook business page and ran boosted ads. Running paid ads on social media is a controversial topic for whatever reason but it was a necessity for me when I didn’t have my Instagram. Since I wasn’t reaching nearly as many people as I was before, I knew that I needed to pay to gain that reach. Every week, I would run paid Facebook ads on my LiketoKnow.it posts in hopes that something that I would post would gain people’s attention. This didn’t work nearly as well as I would have liked but I did make a few sales and gain some followers from it.
Be Extremely Active Within the LiketoKnow.it App
Instead of focusing on the things that I could not control, I chose to focus on what I could, which meant that I needed to be consistently active on the LiketoKnow.it app. I learned that more that I posted on the app during peak times, the more likely that people were going to see my content and explore it. During the week, I typically would post once an hour between 6 PM EST to 10 PM EST and on the weekends, I would post once an hour between 12 PM EST and 10 PM EST. By doing this, I was maximizing my chances that someone would see my content and like it enough to either follow me or buy the item. I am quite certain that being extremely active has helped me to grow consistently within the app.
Post Unique Content That Stands Out
One thing that I have noticed within the LiketoKnow.it app is that many influencers post the exact same items and use the exact same photos. Knowing this can help you to create a strategy so that you can stand out from the crowd. When it comes to creating content, I usually will post a few items that are “popular” with other influencers because it will draw in likes and emails. However, the majority of the time, I will try to post items that no one else has posted to their accounts. These items typically perform better, especially if you are the first one to post it within the app. In addition to posting unique content, be sure to have a cohesive feed for your account. If someone likes one item that you posted, there is a good chance that they will like others as well.
By following these tips, I was able to reach my goals without having an Instagram account within 6 months. It will take some hard work and persistence but if I can do it, you can surely do it too!
If you don’t already, be sure to check out my Instagram for more Reselling Tips at @ RecycledRosesGuide (Click HERE) and my Facebook page HERE.
You can instantly shop all of my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app HERE.
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